Elevate Your Biosecurity with Our Thermal Disposal System

Our RTS thermal disposal system offers an innovative method for effectively meeting and exceeding your biosecurity standards. Utilizing advanced thermal dehydration technology, the system efficiently neutralizes harmful viruses and bacteria within just a few hours. 

This allows for the immediate disposal of deadstock without the need to freeze or leave it decaying in compost bins, ensuring that pathogens are eradicated. This process not only prevents the spread of contaminants but also produces a sanitized byproduct that is ideal for use as fertilizer.

Enhance Your Mortality Management

Relying solely on freezer storage for deadstock may seem biosecure; however, involving third-party disposal services can inadvertently jeopardize your biosecurity measures. The lack of oversight over how many farms these services visit before arriving at your premise poses a risk of contaminant transmission, potentially endangering your livestock.

Advancing Past Composting

While in-vessel composting systems are a common method for addressing deadstock, they fall short in several areas. These systems do not fully eliminate odors or halt the transmission of diseases, often becoming a beacon for scavenger wildlife and insects. Additionally, the composting process is not only lengthy, but each time it’s accessed, it amplifies the risk of exposure to biohazards.

The RTS thermal disposal systems revolutionize your approach to mortality management. By reinforcing your biosecurity measures, our systems also generate a valuable byproduct that is excellent for enhancing compost or creating fertilizer.

NRCS Certification

NRCS cost-sharing options are accessible for those who qualify. This initiative aims to support you in your pursuit of superior biosecurity and sustainable agricultural practices.